Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We Went To The "Beach"

So we pull up to our pond, and here are some ducks that I have never seen before around here. Does anyone know what kind they are? I can't find my bird-book!!:)

This is Ronan.........Running?

Rhett and Ryder playing in the shallow water.

Ryder was having a hard time remembering last year!

Ronan's toad, Joe-Joe.

Roana playing tag with "Joe-Joe".

Ryder was happy, enjoying the sand and sun.

Rhett playing with sand.

Meanwhile, us older kids were playing on the rope swing on the other side of the pond.

Rayden said it was fun!!!


Riley S. said...

You need a picture of me goin' backwards on the tree swing! ;)

Kailey S. said...

yeah! At least you got one! Mom took a video of me, and then lost it!!!!!! :) Lucky!

Riley S. said...

No one took a pic of me.. at least that i can remember lol